Stephen M. Green Is Excited For 2020, Will Introduce CGE (Console Gaming EDITS) To His Channel + MORE!

Stephen M. Green Is Excited For 2020, Will Introduce CGE (Console Gaming EDITS) To His Channel + MORE!
2020 is right around the corner and Stephen M. Green is excited for the upcoming year for a number of reasons. One of the reasons why he is excited is due to the fact that he will be going LIVE on his channel more often, which will help him gain a lot of watch hours. In order to get monetized on YouTube, a YouTuber/Creator must have 4,000 watch hours and 1,000 subscribers. Stephen already has 1,000 subscribers (fans) and now is planning to pick up ALL of the watch time he needs going forward into 2020. Speaking of that last few words, Stephen has also uploaded a NEW video on his channel, which is his first-ever channel update.
Here is the video:
While he doesn't show himself in the video, the overall idea of what he says is clear enough for anyone to follow, and pretty many details everything I just said (in a more simplified approach) above. This is great news! Stephen is going into this upcoming NEW year, and decade, with a lot of optimism and confidence and why shouldn't he? 2019 was a VERY successful year for the young artist. Now, I think it's time for me to talk to you all of you who read these blog posts for a minute.
Ever since this blog was created, and posted my first couple of posts, you guys (who I don't really know) have been so supportive! Thank you for stopping by my blog about my son. His career and lively-hood don't stop there! There is still A LOT more that I want to talk about regarding him and what he does next, but now I think that I will take a break until January 1st, 2020. On that day, Stephen will, as mentioned in his NEW video, will upload a NEW video and I'll be there to cover it. So, I just wanted to say THANK YOU and I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their year! Bye! *KRJ*
Stephen M. Green's YouTube Channel:
- Instagram (stephenmgreen99):
- Twitter (stephenmgreen2):
- IMDb (stephenmgreen1):
- Official Website:
- IMDb (stephenmgreen1):
- Official Website:
All of your support towards his channel is greatly appreciative! Thank you and have a fantastic day!
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