Stephen M. Green's Favorite _____ Is...
There is quite a bit of stuff that Stephen M. Green likes both online and offline. Today, I wanted to do something fun. I will list (almost) every single thing that Stephen would probably most likely call his 'favorite.' Some of these answers will end up in a tie as Stephen is undecided with which one is his favorite period. Let's go!
Stephen M. Green's favorite website is...
- YouTube
Stephen M. Green's favorite adult animated TV show/sitcom is...
- TIE (Family Guy & The Simpsons
Stephen M. Green's favorite type of photo is...
- Black & White Photo
Stephen M. Green's favorite subject in school was...
- TIE (English Language & Art)
Stephen M. Green's favorite online flash games website is...
- Cool Math Games
Stephen M. Green's favorite type of smartphone is...
- Android
Stephen M. Green's favorite search engine to use is...
Stephen M. Green's favorite toothpaste brand is...
- Colgate
Stephen M. Green's favorite shoe brand is...
- TIE (Nike & Adidas)
Stephen M. Green's favorite children TV channel was...
- TIE (Cartoon Network & PBS)
Stephen M. Green's favorite mode/theme to use on social media is...
- Dark Mode (Theme)
Stephen M. Green's favorite thing about Instagram is...
- The Photos (Posts)
Stephen M. Green's favorite thing about Twitter is...
- The Tweets (Posts)
Stephen M. Green's favorite type of TV show is...
- TIE (Cartoon & Sitcom)
Stephen M. Green's favorite website about actors and directors is...
- IMDb (Internet Movie Datebase)
Stephen M. Green's favorite thing to drink is...
- Water
Stephen M. Green's favorite writing tool is...
- TIE (Pencil & Pen)
Stephen M. Green's favorite skateboarding video game from the 2010s is...
- Skate 3 (2010)
Stephen M. Green's favorite video game console brand is...
- PlayStation
That's all folks! Did you enjoy reading this? Were there any things that you could relate to? Well, let me know if there were by commenting down below. Also, while you're down there, don't forget to follow Stephen M. Green on social too! *KRJ*
Stephen M. Green's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCajgFzq_Cg6YoYWxGDOXEyA
- Instagram (stephenmgreen99): https://www.instagram.com/stephenmgreen99/?hl=en
- Twitter (stephenmgreen2): https://twitter.com/StephenMGreen2
- IMDb (stephenmgreen1): https://www.imdb.com/user/ur108487016/?ref_=nb_usr_prof_0
- Official Website: https://sites.google.com/view/stephenmgreen1-on-1/home
- IMDb (stephenmgreen1): https://www.imdb.com/user/ur108487016/?ref_=nb_usr_prof_0
- Official Website: https://sites.google.com/view/stephenmgreen1-on-1/home
All of your support towards his channel is greatly appreciative! Thank you and have a fantastic day!
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