BREAKING NEWS: Stephen M. Green Created An IMDb Profile!
What is this? Stephen created an IMDb profile? WOW! Now, this is very exciting, but some may not know the significance of this NEW account. Let me explain. IMDb (also known as "Internet Movie Database") is an online database that specializes in giving users a large array of information on Movies, Television Shows, Video Games, etc. Usually, Casting Directors will go on here to find specific Actors that may be just right for the role of an production. This is perfect for Stephen, as he is an Actor himself!
Here is his IMDb profile:
It's pretty great so far, but as soon as Stephen moves over to having an IMDbPro account, then things are really going to get interesting! With this, people will be able to see multiple headshots, videos, credits (media he has acted/been in), contact information, etc. The annual fee for having an account is actually pretty low, if you take the discounted option, which is $149.99 US. For pretty much everyone who works in the Film, Gaming, or Music Industry, IMDbPro is essential for all Actors, Producers, Writers, etc. At the moment, Stephen is continuing to practice and hone into his craft, so if you're interested in working with him, be sure to click on the link above to get some more information. *KRJ*
Stephen M. Green's YouTube Channel:
- Instagram (stephenmgreen99):
- Twitter (stephenmgreen2):
- IMDb (stephenmgreen1):
- Official Website:
- IMDb (stephenmgreen1):
- Official Website:
All of your support towards his channel is greatly appreciative! Thank you and have a fantastic day!
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